It's a new year!
That means it's time for resolutions. And since we only have one more year to make the most of our lives before the apocalypse, well--
--What's that? Oh.. you don't believe the end is near??
Just look at all the mass animal deaths that occurred within the first week of this new year. If that's not an omen, I don't know what is.
But all jokes aside, let me share what I hope to accomplish this year, in hopes that you all will do the same:
1. The usual: Eat healthier, exercise more, drink less, take more risks. Boom. Straightforward.
2. Specifically, get my weight down to between 205-210 lbs. I'm currently at 220, and I'm no stranger to the gym, so this shouldn't be hard. However, I am accustomed to losing weight the wrong way... namely via dieting methods I learned from my high school wrestling days that, while very effective, I would never recommend. So I do imagine that losing and maintaining weight the right way will indeed be a challenge. I always found healthy eating and exercising habits hard to start, but much easier to maintain. I've started already.. so I'm banking on that.
3. Start this blog (check). This was in fact a New Year's Resolution of mine. I'd been thinking about it for more than a while now, and though nothing about the blog is finalized, I thought it best to just dive in head first (pause?) and figure out the details later. Let me know how I'm doing.
4. Get a 40 on the MCAT. Yep, this negro wants to be a doctor! 40 is ambitious, but I honestly believe it is possible with enough practice. And if I aim high and fall short, let's just hope it ends up in my favor. Wish me luck!
5. Read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and other books. My twin from another mother recommended this book to me, and it's right up my alley. It will be difficult for me since I am a super slow reader, and I actually can't recall the last book I've read cover to cover.. unless greeting cards count. Hopefully this one will keep me stimulated the entire way through (pause, again). I just picked it up Friday, so I'm excited to get back into the habit. Not to mention the verbal section of the MCAT is also the most difficult section for me, so I'll need to start reading as much as possible to prepare.
6. Date more. I don't do it enough. When I wasn't working full-time, it was because I was broke. Now it's because I'm lazy.. The fact that I have absolutely no clue what to do when it comes to the opposite sex I'm a little rusty may play into it just a little as well. Needless to say, it's over for that. I can clean up decent when I want to; I can't let that potential go to waste! I already got chicks on deck too, shout out to L.R. (LOL).
7. Clean up my internet footprint. I was informed yesterday that by googling my full name, an old tweet of mine comes up where I quote Chris Rock off Kanye's album saying, "Got damn.. who taught you how to get sexy for a ni**a??" Yikes. I wanted to see for myself, and not only was this true, but it was the 4th link in the search results! Ehh.. That's no bueno. Gotta keep my government clean so I can sell my soul to the Man later.
8. Save money. I know how to BMF like the best of them, and it's so easy to do so in NYC. Luckily, that's not my problem. I thought directing my funds toward my student loans was a more responsible way to spend my money, but I realized that my aggressive method to get out of debt was just another way to BMF, but way less fun and more stressful. I wasn't giving myself any room to save money or live comfortably. It will be impractical to clear my debt before heading to med school, and none of that will matter come Judgment Day next year anyway, so there's no point in killing myself trying to pay it off. It's time to get my priorities straight.
...And I think I'll just leave it at 8.
Anyway, to the few people reading this so far.. Feel free to mention your own resolutions below or anything you want to say, because I want to know! Are any of mine similar?
If I get no comments.. I'll be upset.
Keep the entries coming. I liked the bucketlist
ReplyDeleteThis is why I lock up all of my tweets and don't associate my real name to my screen name. If you googled my gov't and my screen name you would get two different things.